Plaza de Andalucía

Úbeda, Jaén, Spain

 Visited 19 October 2008
Now let's venture to a more modern square that seems to move traffic from the old town into the newer areas:
Plaza de Andalucía sprawls where Úbeda’s city walls once opened for the road to Toledo. Today it serves as a conduit between the old town and new. Note the impressive Renaissance building pictured at the top of the page (now a bank.) In front is a strange statue, apparently commemorating the Spanish civil war.

Plaza de Andalucía

Úbeda, Spain -- Plaza de Andalucía

The clock tower above was part of the original city wall defenses in the 13th century and guarded the busiest entrance, the Toledo Gate. In the 16th century, it was converted to a clock and bell tower. At below left we see t
he coat-of-arms of the Hapsburgs, who ruled Spain (and a whole lot more) from 1506 through 1700. Úbeda’s 16th century heyday started when the town's nobles became the emperor's most important advisers.

Úbeda, Spain -- Plaza de Andalucía Úbeda, Spain -- Plaza de Andalucía

On this late Sunday afternoon, we found more well-dressed kids turning the plaza into a playground.

Church of the Holy Trinity

The north edge of the Andalusian Square leads to the Church of the Holy Trinity. This is a huge church, taking up what appears to be a whole city block. Most of the exterior is quite plain except for a west and south doorway (shown here).

Úbeda, Spain -- Plaza de Andalucía

The west door (below) is one of the few baroque portals in Úbeda. Above the door we see the three Persons of the Trinity (really two and a dove).

Úbeda, Spain -- Plaza de Andalucía

More Plateresque

Here's a spectacular Plateresque facade just off the Plaza del Andalusia.

Úbeda, Spain -- Plaza de Andalucía

Join us for our last page on Renaissance Ubeda with another spectacular Andrés de Vandelvira building -- the Hospital of St. James.  Please click here.

Please join us in the following slide show to give Úbeda the viewing it deserves by clicking here.

Úbeda, Spain

Previous: San Pedro Area   Next: Hospital of Saint James

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